The Big Toe
A future scenario for the City of LondonAs one of the biggest financial capitals in the world, the city of London stands for money, business and elitism. In “Architecture:The Article” Georges Bataille states that architecture stands for order and stability. It expresses the structures and hierarchies of society: “Architecture is the expression of the very souls of society” (Hollier, Against Architecture). According to Bataille it is precisely this authority of command and prohibition that architecture performs through the composition of its forms and the cleanliness of its structure. The cleanest and most hierarchically organised structure in the City is the skyscraper.
Through cross-programming the mutational quality of life merges what the vision of a modern city had separated - working and living.
The big toe is the part of the human body closest to the ground representing mud and darkness. On an urban scale the Big Toe becomes the mutated skyscraper filled with domestic life.
Interview with Peter Rees, City Planning Officer
3rd of May 2011, 2 pm at Guildhall North Wing, Department of Planning & Transportation
Proposal for repurposing Heron Tower in the City of London as a ‘living skyscraper’
Project developed at the Architectural Association School of Architecture London, Intermediate Unit 13 with Miraj Ahmed and Martin Jameson